Serenity: The Firefly Movie

Serenity is a 2005 sci-fi movie based on the Firefly television series that ran in 2002.  It is a Joss Whedon project and stars Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, and Adam Baldwin.

Plot:  A bit of time has passed since the events in the Firefly episodes, and the crew of the Serenity have their toughest mission yet.  Harboring fugitives from the over-reaching government called the Alliance, the Serenity crew discover a dangerous secret that could bring it down.  Pursued by the government and a group of flesh-eating savages, the Serenity crew have to rely on each other to survive.

My Take: Just as funny and smart as its predecessor, Serenity is a delight in every way.  More action, bigger storyline, and even more character development, fans of the tv show were not disappointed. It's rare when a tv show gets a feature-length movie released in theaters, and even more rare when it's based on a series that lasted less than one full season.  You don't have to have watched the tv show to enjoy this movie, but you will appreciate it far more if you do.


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