Dollhouse - Seasons 1 and 2

Dollhouse is a television series created by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Firefly)that aired from 2008-2009. Starring Elisha Dushku, this sci-fi/adventure show was cancelled before it could find its proper audience (in my opinion.)

Plot: Dushku plays Echo, one of many "Dolls" that are programmed for whatever scenario their handlers desire. Hired out by anyone with a lot of money, a doll can be made into whatever that person wants. A surrogate mother, hooker, counselor, assassin, spouse...anything is possible. Their minds are erased at the end of each mission by those assigned to protect them. Consequently, they don't remember anything of previous missions or of their own lives.

Echo is regarded as the best doll in the Dollhouse until she begins to inexplicably experience flashes of memory and visions of her previous life. This begins to create a big problem for her handlers assigned to protect her from others and herself.

My Take: This series was a surprise for me, simply because I had a false impression of the series from the marketing and the title of the show. However, one should ALWAYS trust Joss Whedon as his track record in tv is stellar in terms of quality content. As I was watching the series, I couldn't help feel (like I did with Firefly) that Whedon's work is terribly under appreciated by mainstream America.

Thankfully, this show does seem to tie up loose ends and give viewers a somewhat satisfying ending to the series.


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