Stranger Things: Netflix Original Show Season 1
Stranger Things Season 1 is a 2016 original tv show produced and aired on Netflix. The second season is due to come out in 2017. Plot : It's the 1980's in a small Indiana town. A close group of four young boys, normally immersed in their Dungeons and Dragons obsession, get pulled into a mysterious conspiracy when a young girl shows up displaying some strange supernatural abilities. My Take: To be perfectly honest, I was bored out of my mind for the first four episodes. There's one (of many) storylines that dominate the first few episodes that thankfully moves to the background later in the show. That's when the real drama starts. I loved the 80's nostalgia that permeates the show, and that's clearly one of the biggest attractions. David Harbour and Winona Ryder turn in some fantastic perfomances and all the child actors are fantastic!